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Share Read More Summertime in Florida

Summertime in south Florida brings hotter temperatures and an increase of pollen in the air, meaning those who struggle with asthma can experience worsening symptoms. To discuss treatment plans, schedule an appointment today by giving us a call at 239-574-2644.

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Share Read More Be Prepared for Hurricane Season!

Hurricane season is back! Storms like hurricanes can put your life in jeopardy if you rely on special care. Minimize risk today by applying to Lee County’s Special Needs Shelter. Please keep in mind that applications will not be processed when the Lee County is in the 5-day hurricane forecast cone. Apply today by visiting

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Share Read More Bedtime Tips for Better Sleep

Sticking to a sleep schedule, creating a serene environment, and implementing some exercise into your daily routine all contribute to a more restful night of sleep. If you still find yourself struggling, visit us online at

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Share Read More Can Exercise Help You Breathe Better?

Did you know that regular exercise can help your body make better use of the oxygen you breathe? People with lung diseases, like COPD, can benefit from physical activity as exercising regularly can assist in decreasing symptoms and improving their breathing. For more questions, give us a call at 239-574-2644.

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Share Read More Happy 4th of July!

Happy Fourth of July from all of us at Pulmonary Doctors of Southwest Florida! Our offices will be closed in celebration of Independence Day, and we look forward to serving you when we reopen tomorrow morning.

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Share Read More Obstructive Diseases = Shortness of Breath

We commonly treat obstructive respiratory diseases like COPD, asthma, and chronic bronchitis. Obstructive diseases are characterized by a reduction in air flow causing shortness of breath. Visit for more information. If you are struggling with shortness of breath, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 239-574-2644 to schedule an appointment today.

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Share Read More Create a Positive Pre-Sleep Routine!

Struggling with sleep? One helpful tip is to create a positive pre-sleep routine! Things like listening to music, reading, meditating, and deep breathing might help to wind-down the mind before sleep. For more sleep solutions, visit us online at

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Share Read More Sleep Troubles? Look No Further!

Certified by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine with a Board-Certified sleep physician, our pulmonologist facility offers a wide array of tests to identify the source of your sleep difficulties. Give us a call at 239-574-2644 to schedule an appointment today.

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