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Share Read More Join the Webinar today!

In preparation for World Lung Day, we invite you to join the conversation! Listen in to the FIRS/WHO World Lung Day webinar today to learn more about how to fight respiratory disease! Register here.

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Share Read More World Lung Day Webinar

Save the date! Tomorrow, September 22nd, the Forum of International Respiratory Societies and the World Health Organization will be hosting a webinar on respiratory disease in the era of COVID. Experts from around the world come together to discuss the burden of respiratory diseases and how we can combat it in the era of COVID. To join the conversation, register here.

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Share Read More With hurricanes comes allergens…

With hurricane season stirring up the wind and rain comes an increase in allergens. As a result, allergies and asthma can worsen during this time of the year. If you’re experiencing an increase in allergy or asthma symptoms this season, give us a call at (239)-574-2644 and let us help you find a solution.

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Share Read More Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day from the Pulmonary Consultants! We hope it's been a relaxing and safe holiday for all.

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Share Read More Preparing for Hurricane Season

Peak hurricane season in Florida can last from August through November. These storms can leave a wake of destruction but being prepared is one of the best ways to stay safe. Creating an emergency plan and compiling a Disaster Supply Kit is advised for each family to be stocked and ready for hurricane season.

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Share Read More It’s Hurricane Season!

It’s hurricane season in south Florida! Be sure to register for the special needs shelter. Lee County’s special needs program provides shelter for those who live in a home or area that is not safe from storm surges or wind. Register today by filling out the 2022 Application and stay safe this hurricane season!

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Share Read More Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Allergies occur when our immune system has a reaction to a foreign substance like molds, pet dander, and pollen. Normally our immune system's natural defense is to fight off germs; however, most allergic reactions are sort of a false alarm. Symptoms of seasonal allergies can vary but oftentimes include runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, irritated sinuses, watery and itchy eyes. During allergy season, let us help you find some relief. Call us at (239)-574-2644 to schedule an appointment.

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Share Read More Seasonal Allergies & Asthma

Many who are afflicted with seasonal allergies, also suffer from asthma. When seasonal allergies flare, asthma symptoms can be triggered. If you're experiencing asthma and allergy symptoms, give us a call at (239)-574-2644.

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